Weekly Links (#10)

I’ve been really busy this week, between classes, hanging out with people on my floor, and burying myself in the library (no I’ve not finished reading the Iliad yet), I hardly have enough time for blogging. Here are a few highlights from the past two weeks at Columbia instead of actual links.


During Orientation week, there was one night were Columbia rented out the USS Intrepid for a party. I pretty much avoided the dancing (not really my thing) and lurked in the museum part of the ship. Not the coolest museum I’ve seen, but it was interesting to look at. The view from the deck, however, was spectacular.


Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET)

Now this was more my type of museum. I’m really interested in pretty much any kind of art and I was having so much fun just running around the museum by myself (yes, I did ditch the group). We didn’t get very much time there so I only explored the first floor.




Believe it or not, that’s exactly what the Starbucks mermaid looks like. I really want to know how it would work for that thing to actually swim.





For more pictures, check out my Instagram or my gallery.

Low Steps

Low is one of the central places on Columbia’s campus where people gather. I recently made a very short time-lapse of the activity from the steps.

Volleyball Game

I’m not a huge sports person. At all. I don’t play sports and I don’t watch them. But I went to a Columbia vs. Bucknell game last night. Interestingly enough, one of the most entertaining things was the marching band. At Columbia, the marching band doesn’t really cheer for our sports teams (that I’ve gathered at least). Rather, they heckle the other team. During the game I saw the band eat salads, wave a umbrella that was ‘liberated’ from Princeton, and someone play the caution sign. Yes, someone was playing a caution sign in the band. Still don’t believe me?


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